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Shoulder and Back Stretch

[F8] a stretch for your shoulders and back

A great pre-ride stretch for your upper body.

How do I do it?

Start by standing up straight and tall, with your hands interlocked behind your back. Slowly lift your hands up behind you while also leaning forwards. Keep going until you’re bent in half and your back is flat (if you can). Keep lifting your hands up as much as you can without hurting yourself. Hold for 20-30s and then slowly rise back up to standing.

How will this help my riding?

This is a good all-round loosener for your upper body. It’ll also help to relieve some tension making it a great exercise to do just before you get on (especially at a competition!).

What does this exercise target?

This stretches and mobilises your back and shoulders.

What should I be careful of?

Do this slowly, making sure it’s a controlled movement. Stop if you feel any pain, especially in your neck.

Before starting any new exercise or training regime, we advise you to consult a physician, doctor, physiotherapist or other expert. The plans and exercises presented here and on the BLACKDOG Equestrian App are for guidance only and they do not offer advice on which you should rely. The App and the Services have not been developed to meet your individual requirements.

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